숙제게시판 (학생의 반에 해당하는 게시글만 보입니다)
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토플반 단어테스트용 단어장입니다. 


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첨부파일: Online Voca.pdf 

패러다임 학생들만 사용할 수 있는 인트라넷 입니다.


  1. 학원을 휴원 및 퇴원하는 경우에는 그 순간부터 인트라넷을 사용할 수 없습니다.
  2.  추가로 인트라넷 사용을 원하시는 경우에는 1주일 단위로 신청하실 수 있으며, 유료입니다.

단어시험: 3 days 외워오세요. (예) DAY 4, 5, 6


리딩: 지문 3개 풀이 후 오답해오세요.

i.Earth's Atmosphere, i.How and Why Birds learn to Sing, i.The American Constitution


리스닝: 11.HA 에서 2세트를 풀고 오답해오세요. ( 1SET = 1xConversation, 2xLecture ) 다시 2세트로 변경되었습니다.


스피킹: Task 1~4 HA10 녹음 후, 듣고 dictation 후 Revised version script/ 여기까지 끝낸 후 task 1~4 HA09 -이건 transcriptionX

라이팅: Integ - HA12, Inde-U_AT02, U_AT03, U_AT04 (쓴 후 수정버튼 눌러서 자기가 할수있는 만큼 최선을 다해 고칠 것. 사전X)

단어시험: 3 days 외워오세요. (예) DAY 4, 5, 6


리딩: 지문 3개 풀이 후 오답해오세요.

i.Earth's Atmosphere, i.How and Why Birds learn to Sing, The Sumerians and Regional Interdependence 


리스닝: 11.HL 에서 2세트를 풀고 오답해오세요. ( 1SET = 1xConversation, 2xLecture )


스피킹: Task 1~4 HA10 녹음 후, 듣고 dictation 후 Revised version script ;여기까지 끝낸 후 task 1~4 HA09 -이건 transcriptionX

라이팅: Integ - HA12, Inde-U_AT02, U_AT03, U_AT04 (쓴 후 수정버튼 눌러서 자기가 할수있는 만큼 최선을 다해 고칠 것. 사전X)


Transient lunar phenomena (TLP) are relatively brief flashes of light that appear to come from the surface of the Moon. Such flashes of light have been observed for centuries by both amateur and professional astronomers, and several theories have been put forward to explain them.

One theory is that TLP are not genuine lunar phenomena, but only random observational errors caused by defects in the telescopes some observers use. Optical instruments such as telescopes or microscopes are complex pieces of machinery; even small flaws in their design can create artificial optical impressions like flashes or other distortions in the visual field. To an observer, a flash of light caused by an instrument error may sometimes look like a real phenomenon taking place in nature.

A second theory is that meteors striking the Moon cause TLP. Because the Moon has no atmosphere, meteors often reach the lunar surface. In fact, meteors strike the Moon every day. According to the meteor theory, when meteors strike the lunar surface, they explode, creating enough heat energy to appear as a flash of light to observers on Earth. When people observe TLP, they are actually observing flashes of light generated by meteor impacts.

A third theory is that TLP are the result of lunar rocks emitting their own light by a process called thermoluminescence. It is known that the Moon does in fact contain certain rocks that are capable of generating light in this way when they are heated by the Sun. This is strong empirical support that TLP are caused by thermoluminescence.



Your professor is teaching a class on childhood development. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.
In your response, you should do the following.
* Express and support your opinion.
* Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.
An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

Dr. Diaz
In the next few weeks, we will be talking about various initiatives to modernize the current educational system. According to one initiative, in addition to academic subjects, schools for students between the ages of 5 and 18 should offer classes to teach simple, practical life skills, such as how to open a bank account, look for an apartment, or even wash clothes or cook a meal. Do you agree that this is a useful initiative? Why or why not?


I think this is a great initiative. After I graduated from high school, I knew a lot about physics laws, historical dates, and literature genres, but I had no idea how to complete the simple task of writing a résumé for my first job. Learning that in school would have been very useful in my job search.

I actually disagree with Paul. I think acquiring simple, practical skills doesn’t require much time or effort, and you can always ask your parents, older siblings, or friends to teach you those skills. Time in school is better spent on truly academic subjects that you wouldn’t be able to learn on your own or from family or friends.


The fossil record shows that members of the group of dinosaurs known as lambeosaurs had large bony crests on top of their heads. The shape of the crests varied from species to species, but all lambeosaur crests contained extended hollow passages. No one really knows exactly what function the crests served, but scientists have offered several theories.

Sense of smell

One theory holds that the primary purpose of the crests was to improve the dinosaurs’ sense of smell. Examination of the fossils has suggested that the crests contained many blood vessels. The nose bones of modern animals with a highly developed sense of smell have a similar inner structure characterized by a high density of blood vessels. Thus, it is reasonable to conclude that the crests were primarily used to enhance the sense of smell.


A second theory maintains that the crests served to prevent overheating by lowering lambeosaurs’ body temperature. The addition of a crest had the effect of increasing the surface area of the lambeosaur’s body, thereby allowing body heat to escape more rapidly. Other warm-climate dinosaurs, stegosaurs for example, also had bony crestlike plates on parts of their body that increased the body surface area. It has long been believed that the bony plates of stegosaurs were adaptations to improve cooling, so it seems likely that the crests of lambeosaurs served the same purpose.


A third possibility is that lambeosaurs used the crests to make sounds, perhaps for communication with other lambeosaurs. It was definitely possible to make low sounds by forcing air through the crests. This theory is supported by a finding suggesting that lambeosaurs had a good sense of hearing:  paleontologists recently discovered remains of a lambeosaur that had a highly developed inner ear. A good sense of hearing would be necessary for animals communicating by sound.



Your professor is teaching a seminar on skills for career success. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.
In your response, you should do the following.
*Express and support your opinion.
*Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.
An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

Dr. Gupta
This week we covered characteristics common to entrepreneurs. One idea we discussed is the benefit of recognizing opportunities and quickly taking advantage of them. This idea is expressed in the saying, “The early bird gets the worm.” In this discussion post, I would like you to indicate whether you agree or disagree with this saying and explain why.



I agree that the early bird gets the worm because there are many advantages to being early. Doing things first means that you are probably a pioneer in your field. As a pioneer, one gets to set the rules and define the field for those who come after them. Who wouldn’t want to be a pioneer in life?


I am not sure I agree with the saying. I think the disadvantages of being early outweigh the advantages. Doing things before others means taking the first risk, and that can lead to mistakes. I prefer to wait for other people to try things first before I try them so that I learn from their experiences and avoid their mistakes.

단어시험: 3 days 외워오세요. (예) DAY 1, 2, 3


리딩: 수업시간에 풀이한 Comets 오답해오세요. 

       Overkill of the North American Megafauna 새롭게 풀이 후 오답해오세요.

리스닝: 11.HL 에서 1세트를 풀고 오답해오세요. ( 1SET = 1xConversation, 2xLecture ) (기존 2세트에서 1세트로 변경하였습니다)


스피킹: Task 1~4 HA11 녹음 후, 듣고 dictation

라이팅: Integ - HA13, Inde-U_AT01 (쓴 후 수정버튼 눌러서 자기가 할수있는 만큼 최선을 다해 고칠 것. 사전X)

단어시험: 3 days 외워오세요. (예) DAY 1, 2, 3

(영우3금요일, 승혁2수요일, 효민1화요일, 현민1화요일)


리딩: 수업시간에 풀이한 Comets 오답해오세요. 

       Overkill of the North American Megafauna 새롭게 풀이 후 오답해오세요.

리스닝: 11.HA 에서 1세트를 풀고 오답해오세요. ( 1SET = 1xConversation, 2xLecture )  (기존 2세트에서 1세트로 변경하였습니다)


스피킹: Task 1~4 HA11 녹음 후, 듣고 dictation

라이팅: Integ - HA13, Inde-U_AT01 (쓴 후 수정버튼 눌러서 자기가 할수있는 만큼 최선을 다해 고칠 것. 사전X)

콤마의 사용법

  1. 나열: A, B, C, and D

나는 짜장면과 짬뽕을 먹었다.

I ate 짜장 and 짬뽕. (병렬관계) between A and B

I ate apple, banana, and kiwi.  A and B and C and D => A, B, C, D, E => 마지막을 알려줄때는 콤마와 and 를 모두 사용한다.


2. 문장의 시작이 주어가 아닐경우, 주어 앞에 콤마를 찍어준다.


3. 분사구문: 콤마 + ing형태 / 콤마 + ed형태



so that 은 이세상에 3개가 있음.


so ~ that ..    : I was so hungry that I could eat 100 hambergs.

so that: ~하기 위해서 (in order to =? in order that = so that )

,so (that): (그래서=앞의 이유로 인해서=인과관계=원인과 결과)


I study hard in order to pass the exam.

I study hard in order that S V




a lot of A = 많은 A

lot 대신에 수량을 나타내는 단어는 뭐든 올 수 있어요.


관계대명사 주격

He knows the girl who won the race.

1       5                4            3             2


He knows a process that creates a ripples.

1       5             4               3                2




주어 동사 전치사 구분

주어는 s, 동사는 v \  , 전치사는 / 표시

The evolution of the symbolism (주어) (상징의 진화는 )

is reflected (동사) (반영된다 = 알수있다)

in the archaeological record first of all (부사1) (무엇보다 고고학 기록에서)

by the increasing complexity of the tokens themselves. (부사2) (토큰 자체의 증가하는 정교함에 따라)


주어는 부사1에서 알수있다.  (부사2의 위치는 자유로움)

상징의 진화는 무엇보다 고고학기록에서 알수 있다. 토큰 자체의 증가하는 정교함에 따라

I had 햄버거 because I was hungry.
Because I was hungry, I had 햄버거.

주어는 항상 문장의 시작!
하지만, 주어가 될 수 없는 경우에는 주어 앞에 콤마.

Although individual termites do not consume large volumes of oxygen, 
termites(S) / within a particular colony / often / number(V) / in the millions /, 
resulting in a collective demand that is substantial.


The entire structure(S) is(V) the result of a homeostatic process, wherein (관계대명사/관계부사) termites work together to balance the metabolic oxygen exchange with the ventilation oxygen exchange, 
the former representing oxygen consumed within the nest 
and the latter, atmospheric oxygen replacing it.


She saw me. She ran away.

= She saw me and (she) ran away.

= She saw me, running away.

Running away, she saw me. = She ran away and she saw me.

리딩/리스닝 객관식 학생답 표현할 때는 dummy radio 또는 dummy checkbox 를 통해서 학생이 선택한 답이 나오도록 하자.



문제생성 화면에서 input을 제공할지 textarea를 제공할지는 config에 따라서 변경이 되게끔 구성해야 함.

// createListTextbox=true //input | textbox



정답이 2개 이상일 경우에는 반드시 콤마로 구분하자. 이 로직은 Reading의 anchor가 2개 이상일 때도 적용된다.

지금은 선지도 4개이고 지문의 문단도 9개 미만이지만 사람일은 모르는 것. 

일단 복수 개는 무조건 콤마와 숫자만 사용하고 ( javascript ), PHP에서도 정규식을 이용해서 검증해야 한다.




The yellow crazy ant is one of the world’s most destructive invasive species (species that are not native to an area but rather introduced to it). It has spread to many regions of Earth and caused great damage to native ecosystems. In recent decades, the crazy ant has invaded part of a unique palm forest on one of the Seychelles Islands off the coast of Africa. Some strategies are being considered to stop the ant from spreading farther and damaging the unique ecosystem of the palm forest.
One of the strategies proposed to stop the ants is to use traps containing a low concentration of chemicals that are toxic to the ants. These ant traps have been successfully used in other locations, such as an island near Australia, where up to 99 percent of the invasive ant population has been killed by traps.
Another strategy would be to cut down broad-leaved trees, which are the ants’ favorite habitat. Broad-leaved trees host a type of insect that provides food (a sugary substance) for the yellow crazy ants. The broad-leaved trees are not native to the palm forest; they were introduced there recently. Removing the trees would not damage the palm forest ecosystem, but it would reduce the extent of the habitat preferred by the invasive ants, which might reduce their population.
Finally, it has been noted that ant populations are significantly denser near areas with human activity. Recently, a sharp increase in yellow crazy ants has been observed at one edge of the palm forest where a new visitor center was built, which suggests that more ants were transported to the area with construction material used for the center and that the ants have been eating food left behind by visitors there. Limiting human activity near the palm forest could help reduce ant populations.

The Yellow crazy ants which is the one of the most harmful destructive species are ruining the native ecosytems in the part of a unique palm forest of the Seychelles islands off the coast of Africa. The reading passage claims that there are three strategies that can reduce the spreading of the ants in the palm forest, while the lecturer casts doubt on each argument mentioned in the passage.

The first reason stressed in the passage is that using a chemical trap, which contains the toxic substances to yellow crazy ants. In opposition to this view, the lecturer explains that utilizing the chemical materials can harm the native ants living in the palm forest that people should protect. Additionally, the example that the reading passage mentiond, in an island near Austrailia, there were no native ants to take care.

Another point in the passage is that cutting down the broad-leaved trees because these are the main habitat of the yellow crazy ants, and also it is not a native tree in palm forest. On the other hand, the lecturer refutes this point by explaining that after we destruct the main habitat of the crazy ants, the sunlight might get stronger, so they could be the another habitat for yellow ants.

While the passage contends that the one of the element that increase yellow ants is human activities, the lecturer is skeptical on this contention. She explains that the certain human activities such as scientists and tourists are the main income for the local people, so it will give the negative affect to palm forest.

Therefore, these three strategies are impractical to reduce the population of the harmful yellow crazy ants, according to the passage.




Your professor is teaching a class on environmental science. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.

In your response, you should do the following.

  • Express and support your opinion.
  • Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.

An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

Today we’ll talk about strategies companies can use to help reduce electronics waste. First, there’s recycling. This typically involves separating the materials that electronics contain and reusing them. But this can be difficult and too expensive. Or perhaps the emphasis should be on making electronics last longer—for example, by requiring companies to offer replacement parts on the products they manufacture. Which approach do you think would be most effective?

Electronic products should be designed to last longer. I cracked the screen on my cell phone once and only needed a new screen. But the company that made the phone didn’t sell replacement screens, so I couldn’t get it repaired. I had to throw the phone away even though I could have used it longer with a new screen.

It’d be better to require companies to improve their recycling programs. For example, I need to dispose of an old computer I own because the hardware is outdated. But where I live, there are no facilities for electronics recycling. I know that some companies pay the costs for consumers to ship their old computers back to the company for recycling.

-------answer --------
The government should limit the companies that attract people to change their electronics easily. These days, companies are developing their devices quickly, and advertise them to attempt customers badly. Indeed, lots of people will purchase the new devices even their own electronic works well.

For instance, I had an experience about that I had a phone which had no problems to use, but when I saw the tempting advertisement from internet I begged my mom to change my phone to new one, so I made an one waste in electronic.

Therefore, I think there should be some restriction to this problem to avoid the waste of electronics.



인테그 1개

인디2개 쓰고.

휴식 10분 후.


macOS 13.6.1

A cause B to C

A allow B to C

A  is responsible to B

A is depend on B

A lead B to C


A 와 B의 관계. 원인과 결과. 원이이 없어지면 결과는 당연히 없는거다.


A => B.

라이팅 Integ.HA02

라이팅 Inde.HT03/HT04 작성하세요.



줌 접속정보



회의ID: 350 265 2975
PW: W8347U


[패러다임 공식 계정]

어플리케이션: Zoom 
접속ID: 292 684 5075 
암호: 82bvtU


My Page 에 있는 리딩 지문 2개 풀고 오답해오세요.

i.Mating Calls of the Tùngara Frog    

i.Communication of Ants



My Page에 있는 리스닝 한세트(3문제) 풀고 오답하세요.

지난 시간 풀이하였던 리스닝 오답하세요.


my page 에서 리딩 지문 최소 하나 풀고 오답하세요.

학교 또는 다른 영어학원에서 이해 안되는 ‘문장’ 을 준비하세요.




4/29(월)까지 풀고 오답해오시면 됩니다.


i.Art Conservation Methods

i.The American Constitution

i.The Commercialization of Lumber


다음 수업은 4/26(금) 오전10시 입니다.

[패러다임학원] 1:1관리형 토플스터디 5월 오픈!!
◈수업시작 전, 학생의 점수를 기반으로 전문적인 컨설팅 후, 학습계획 설립
◈실제 토플시험과 동일하게 구성된 자체 온라인 프로그램으로 학습
◈매 수업, 모의고사 문제로 학습하여 실전 대비


[화~금] 1시-4시, 4시-7시, 7시-10시 
[토] 1시-4시, 4시-7시
10일동안만 [9시-12시]타임 추가오픈

1회3시간/상시등록가능/수업횟수 및 요일 선택/정원8명/숙제는단어암기뿐

★패러다임대표강사들의 코칭!!

수강료 1회 35,000원/최소4회 등록
예약및상세상담은 카톡ID:ptoefl120/학원대표번호 010 7749 8556 

★최고의 학생들과 최선의 결과를 만들어왔습니다.

단어시험: 2 days


2024.1학기 > Urban Heat Islands

2024.1학기 > Trade and Early State Formation






[패러다임]메뉴에서 위에서부터 안한 것 1 passage 풀고 오답


10.HL – Conv. L1. L2를 한세트로 매번 한세트씩 하고 오답


U_AT 시리즈로 한세트씩


Integrated – U_AT시리즈로 앞에서부터

Independent – U_AT시리즈로 앞에서부터



10.HL – Conv. L1. L2를 한세트로 한세트 하고 오답


U_AT 시리즈로 한세트

[Types.02] Fact02.3 ~ Fact02.7 까지 문제풀이 오답  (Fact02.1 은 지난 수업시간에 같이 풀이하였습니다)

[2024.1학기] The Productivity of Wet Rice Farming


틀린 문제는 정답의 근거 문장을 찾아서 한글로 미리 번역해 놓으세요.

수업시간에 물어보면 한글을 읽어주시면 됩니다.

다음 리딩 수업은 3/20(수) 8시입니다.

수업 전까지 아래의 지문을 풀고 단어 찾고 오답까지 해주세요.


[패러다임] Surface Fluids on Venus and Earth 문제풀이 후 오답

[Types.02] Fact02.1 ~ Fact02.7 까지 문제풀이 오답


틀린 문제는 정답의 근거 문장을 찾아서 한글로 미리 번역해 놓으세요.

수업시간에 물어보면 한글을 읽어주시면 됩니다.



첨부파일: 1.docx 

오늘은 Inde U_AT1번 학생의견 찬성 그리고 반대 version 둘다 써볼것. 



Speaking HS시리즈로 하루 1set씩


Writing은 Integ는 U_AT시리즈 처음부터

             Inde는 U_AT시리즈 처음부터 

단어: DAY 3개 (ex. day22, 23, 24)


리딩: 모의고사 오답해오세요. 리딩 히스토리에서 결과를 확인할 수 있습니다.

Trade and Early State Formation 문제풀고 오답

Amphibian Thermoregulation 문제풀고 오답


리스닝:  2세트를(1xConversation, 2xLecture) 풀이하고 오답해오세요. (ex. 11.HA)

이동민(10.HL), 윤효은(11.HA), 마연우(05.SE), 권다영(11.HA)


스피킹: 본인 것 dictation한 것, 분량지켜서 문법, 문장, 내용 고친 것 올리기(라이팅 아님, spoken English) - task 1 HS05만 할것

           TASK 1~4  HS05


라이팅: 종이에 있는 주제 20 ~ 22번 - 10분테스트모드에다가 brainstorming

           Integrated -HST 12

           Academic discussion - U_AT01


20. As technology develops, people around the world seem to enjoy the same songs or movies. Some people are concerned that modern technology is creating a single world culture. Do you think it is the case?

21. Do you think games can be beneficial for people? Why or why not?

22. Can we choose the products based on advertisements? Do you think they are a reliable source?  


1/29(월)은 학원 수업이 없습니다. 

대신 집에서 6시 정각에 모의고사를 진행합니다. 

인트라넷 > TEST > 모의고사 > 모의고사.01.Improved [ 비번: 3030 ]


다음 수업은 2/2(금)저녁6시로 예정되어있습니다. 


단어: DAY 3개 (ex. day16, day17, day18)


이번 주 숙제는 모의고사 풀고 오답하기 입니다.

인트라넷 > TEST > 모의고사 > 문제풀이.01.Improved 클릭 후 비번 [3030] 입력

최대한 시험시간과 동일하게 2시간 동안 쉬는시간 없이 집중하여 풀이해주세요.


리딩과 리스닝의 오답은 각각의 history에서 확인이 가능합니다.

스피킹: 시험본 것 task 1, 4 dictation & upgraded version [untimed mode] 

라이팅: 종이토픽 21, 22번 brainstorm. 

단어: DAY 3개 (ex. day16, 17, 18)


리딩:  Rain Forest Soils 문제풀고 오답

Pinyon Pines and Pinyon Jays 문제풀고 오답

The Effects of Light on Flowering 문제풀고 오답


리스닝:  2세트를(1xConversation, 2xLecture) 풀이하고 오답해오세요. (ex. 11.HA)

이동민(10.HL), 윤효은(11.HA), 마연우(05.SE), 권다영(11.HA)


스피킹: 본인 것 dictation한 것, 분량지켜서 문법, 문장, 내용 고친 것 올리기(라이팅 아님, spoken English) - task 4 HS04만 할것

           TASK 1~4  HS04


라이팅: 종이에 있는 주제 17~19번 - 10분테스트모드에다가 brainstorming

           Integrated -HST 11

           Academic discussion - TM05




단어: DAY 3개 (ex. day10, day11, day12)


리딩: Quantification of Ecodiversity 문제풀고 오답

Paleolithic Cave Paintings 문제풀고 오답

The Architecture of Termite Mounds 문제풀고 오답


리스닝:  2세트를(1xConversation, 2xLecture) 풀이하고 오답해오세요. (ex. 11.HA)

이동민(10.HL), 윤효은(11.HA), 마연우(05.SE), 권다영(11.HA)


스피킹: 본인 것 dictation한 것, 분량지켜서 문법, 문장, 내용 고친 것 올리기(라이팅 아님, spoken English) - task 1 HS03만 할것

           TASK 1~4  HS03


라이팅: 종이에 있는 주제 12~15번 - 10분테스트모드에다가 brainstorming

           Integrated -HST 10

           Academic discussion - 없음

           종이 16번 – 숙제 [Untimed mode] no more than 170 words


1. 다음 수업시간까지 인트라넷 > 리딩 > [겨울방학] 에서 지문 4개 풀고 오답해오세요.


2. 수업시간에 언급한 내용처럼 아래의 답을 공부해오세요.

Q. The epipelagic zone extends from the ocean’s surface to a modest depth of 200 meters. Sunlight warms the water in the upper epipelagic zone and wind activates currents that circulate warm water throughout the zone, causing the temperature of the epipelagic zone to be consistently mild. Teeming with life, this shallow, sunlit region supports an array of organisms. Bountiful plant life translates to an abundance of food for other organisms, so this zone has by far the highest concentration of fish species. In fact, approximately 90 percent of marine life is confined to this region.


1. According to paragraph 1, the epipelagic zone has a consistent temperature due to the 

A. abundance of life found there 

B. movement of ocean currents 

C. sunlight at the ocean’s surface 

D. strong winds of ocean storms


[공부해 올 내용] 

1. 두 문장을 연결하는 접속사의 종류 공부 (중 등위접속사 and )

2. 분사구문 이란? 분사구문 만드는 법. 


Reading > Types.02 > Fact 02.1 에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.

단어: DAY 3개 (ex. day16, day17, day18)


리딩:  Rain Forest Soils 문제풀고 오답

Pinyon Pines and Pinyon Jays 문제풀고 오답

The Effects of Light on Flowering 문제풀고 오답


리스닝:  2세트를(1xConversation, 2xLecture) 풀이하고 오답해오세요. (ex. 11.HA)

정여진(01.TL1), 김태혁(10.HL), 조민기(10.HL), 김준형(11.HA)


 스피킹: 본인 것 dictation 후 better version [writing untimed mode]에- HS03 Task 1+ Task 3

           TASK 1~4 HS03 : 숙제 수업시간에 플레이하며 수업할 것임


라이팅: 종이에 있는 주제 16~20번 - 10분테스트모드에다가 brainstorming (시간되면 반박도 메모해볼 것)

           Integrated -HST 10

           Academic discussion(independent) - TM05

단어: DAY 3개 (ex. day13, day14, day15)


리딩: Quantification of Ecodiversity 문제풀고 오답

Paleolithic Cave Paintings 문제풀고 오답

The Architecture of Termite Mounds 문제풀고 오답


리스닝:  2세트를(1xConversation, 2xLecture) 풀이하고 오답해오세요. (ex. 11.HA)

정여진(01.TL1), 김태혁(10.HL), 조민기(10.HL), 김준형(11.HA)


 스피킹: 본인 것 dictation 후 better version [writing untimed mode]에- HS02 Task 2+ Task 4

           TASK 1~4 HS02 : 숙제 수업시간에 플레이하며 수업할 것임


라이팅: 종이에 있는 주제 13~15번 - 10분테스트모드에다가 brainstorming (시간되면 반박도 메모해볼 것)

          12번 - [untimed mode]에 180자 이내로 완성

           Integrated -HST 10

           Academic discussion - X

단어: DAY 3개 (ex. day10, day11, day12)


리딩: Dendrochronology in Art Authentication 문제풀고 오답

Evidence of the Earliest Writing 문제풀고 오답

The Evidence for a Liquid Ocean on Europa 문제풀고 오답


리스닝:  2세트를(1xConversation, 2xLecture) 풀이하고 오답해오세요. (ex. 11.HA)

이동민(10.HL), 윤효은(11.HA), 마연우(05.SE), 권다영(11.HA)


스피킹: 본인 것 dictation한 것, 분량지켜서 문법, 문장, 내용 고친 것 올리기(라이팅 아님, spoken English) - task 2 HA12만 할것

           TASK 1~4  HA12


라이팅: 종이에 있는 주제 7~11번 - 10분테스트모드에다가 brainstorming

           Integrated -HST 09

           Academic discussion - TM04

           종이 5번 – 숙제 [Untimed mode] no more than 170 words

단어: DAY 3개 (ex. day7, day8, day9)

리딩: Communication of Ants 문제풀고 오답

        Mesolithic Complexity in Scandinavia 문제풀고 오답


리스닝:  2세트를(1xConversation, 2xLecture) 풀이하고 오답해오세요. (ex. 11.HA)

이동민(10.HL), 윤효은(11.HA), 마연우(05.SE), 권다영(11.HA)


스피킹: 본인 것 dictation한 것, 분량지켜서 문법, 문장, 내용 고친 것 올리기(라이팅 아님, spoken English) - task 4 HA11만 할것

           TASK 3, 4  HA10, HA11


라이팅: 종이에 있는 주제 4~6번 - 10분테스트모드에다가 brainstorming

           Integrated -HST 08

           Academic discussion - TM03

단어: DAY 3개 (ex. day10, day11, day12)


리딩: Dendrochronology in Art Authentication 문제풀고 오답

Evidence of the Earliest Writing 문제풀고 오답

The Evidence for a Liquid Ocean on Europa 문제풀고 오답


리스닝:  2세트를(1xConversation, 2xLecture) 풀이하고 오답해오세요. (ex. 11.HA)

정여진(01.TL1), 김태혁(10.HL), 조민기(10.HL), 김준형(11.HA)


 스피킹: 본인 것 dictation- Task 1 + Task 3

           TASK 1~4 HA12


라이팅: 종이에 있는 주제 7~11번 - 10분테스트모드에다가 brainstorming (시간되면 반박도 메모해볼 것)

           Integrated -HST 09

           Academic discussion - TM04

단어: DAY 3개 (ex. day7, day8, day9)

리딩: Communication of Ants 문제풀고 오답

Mesolithic Complexity in Scandinavia 문제풀고 오답


리스닝:  2세트를(1xConversation, 2xLecture) 풀이하고 오답해오세요. (ex. 11.HA)

정여진(01.TL1), 김태혁(10.HL), 조민기(10.HL), 김준형(11.HA)



스피킹: 본인 것 dictation Task 1~4다해올 것, 분량지켜서 문법, 문장, 내용 고친 것 올리기(라이팅 아님, spoken English)

           TASK 1~4 HA11


라이팅: 종이에 있는 주제 5~6번 - 10분테스트모드에다가 brainstorming (시간되면 반박도 메모해볼 것)

           Integrated -HST 08

           Academic discussion - TM03

단어: DAY 3개 (ex. day4, day5, day6)

리딩: The Use and Meaning of Color in Mayan Pottery 풀이 및 오답노트

        Ancient Sumer and Near Eastern Civilization 풀이 및 오답노트


리스닝:  2세트를(1xConversation, 2xLecture) 풀이하고 오답해오세요. (ex. 11.HA)

이동민(10.HL), 윤효은(11.HA), 마연우(05.SE), 권다영(11.HA)


스피킹: 본인 것 dictation한 것, 분량지켜서 문법, 문장, 내용 고친 것 올리기(라이팅 아님, spoken English)

           TASK 1,2  HA10, HA11


라이팅: 종이에 있는 주제 1~3번 - 10분테스트모드에다가 brainstorming

           Integrated -HST 07

           Academic discussion - TM02


단어: DAY 3개 (ex. day4, day5, day6)

리딩: History of Tea 오답노트

        Mating calls of the Tungara Frog 오답노트


리스닝:  2세트를(1xConversation, 2xLecture) 풀이하고 오답해오세요. (ex. 11.HA)

이동민(10.HL), 윤효은(11.HA), 마연우(05.SE), 권다영(11.HA)


스피킹: 수업시간에 같이 본 것들 문제+sample anwer+rationale 꼼꼼히 다 검토 후에 녹음, 

           TASK 1~4 HA09 녹음 후, 인트라넷 창 하나 더 띄워서 [Writing → Untimed mode]에다가, 본인이 녹음한 것 한단어한단어 정확하게 dictation

           Dictation한 것 밑에 글로 수정본(문법 및 내용) 올릴 것


라이팅: 수업시간에 같이 본 것들 문제+sample anwer+rationale 꼼꼼히 다 검토 후

           Integrated -HST 06

           Academic discussion - TM01

단어: DAY 3개 (ex. day4, day5, day6)

리딩: The Use and Meaning of Color in Mayan Pottery 풀이 및 오답노트

        Ancient Sumer and Near Eastern Civilization 풀이 및 오답노트


리스닝:  2세트를(1xConversation, 2xLecture) 풀이하고 오답해오세요. (ex. 11.HA)

정여진(01.TL1), 김태혁(10.HL), 조민기(10.HL), 김준형(11.HA)


스피킹: 본인 것 dictation한 것, 분량지켜서 문법, 문장, 내용 고친 것 올리기(라이팅 아님, spoken English)

           TASK 1~4 HA10


라이팅: 종이에 있는 주제 1~3번 - 10분테스트모드에다가 brainstorming

           Integrated -HST 07

           Academic discussion - TM02


단어: DAY 3개 (ex. day1, day2, day3)

리딩: History of Tea 리뷰

        Mating calls of the Tungara Frog 풀이 및 오답노트


리스닝:  2세트를(1xConversation, 2xLecture) 풀이하고 오답해오세요. (ex. 11.HA)

정여진(01.TL1), 김태혁(10.HL), 조민기(10.HL), 김준형(11.HA)


스피킹: 수업시간에 같이 본 것들 문제+sample anwer+rationale 꼼꼼히 다 검토 후, TASK 1~4 HA09


라이팅: 수업시간에 같이 본 것들 문제+sample anwer+rationale 꼼꼼히 다 검토 후

           Integrated -HST 06

           Academic discussion - TM01

순서대로 하세요.

LC문제 한꺼번에 푼다음에 오답부터 하고, 다음 단계인 스피킹 라이팅하세요\



4:00 Zoom

수업후, 저녁에 추가학습 더 나감

10:00-1:00 LC, RD 풀고 오답까지 완벽하게 끝낼 것

2:00-3:00  SPK 1set, WR 1 set

3:00-3:30 Zoom


오늘 새로 제출된 스피킹 라이팅 먼저하시고,

어제 제출된 리딩 하세요.

오답도 다 하셔야 합니다

10:00-1:00 : 제출된 공부를 순서대로

  1. 스피킹은 녹음 후, 반드시 재녹음
  2. Reading/Listening 풀고, 오답까지
  3. writing 본인의견으로으로 써보기

2:00-4:00 spk wr 새로 업로드 된 것 할 것.

4시까지 시간여유가 있으면 오답 다 끝내놓을 것.

  1. 스피킹 녹음 후, 반드시 재녹음
  2. Reading/Listening 풀고, 오답까지
  3. writing 수업시간에 얘기한 방식으로 써보기


2:00-4:00에 할 것은 다시 업로드 될것임.



심화학습에 들어가있는 것 순서대로 하시고, Speaking은 반드시 재녹음


미팅 후에, 추가로 제출된 writing과 speaking을 가지고 zoom수업 


리딩 리스닝 오답

저녁에 단어시험

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